The Art of Communication

Speech Suggestions


How to hire Vance

Step 1: Fill out the contact form, ensure your dates are available

Step 2: Video call with Vance to discuss your event and outcomes

Step 3: Vance will send a talk proposal customized to fit your audience

Step 4: Confirm with Vance and post a deposit to hold the dates.

Past Speeches:

Use the below list of favorites as a starting point for what messages your audience will be most interested in hearing. Your talk will be customized to the unique geography, commodity or situation your ag group is in.

The Art of picking up nails

have open conversations that build trust, & influence outcomes

As a leader on your operation, you have so many responsibilities that it can be difficult to focus on the tiny conversations with employees and family members. But it is those conversations that prevent work breakdowns, relieve pressure and resolve problems before they get started. 

How can you become better at stimulating conversations so that trust can be built and important moments can happen?


The Edge of Chaos:

Where and how society changes so that you can prepare for disruption.

Change can be difficult to see coming. Focus on it too much and you won't get anything done; ignore it or laugh at it and you may be left behind. There are patterns to how change may disrupt an industry.

How can you learn to spot these patterns so that your farm and organization can see what is coming and be prepared to act?


A Conflict Older than Bread:

How Farmers Can Thrive Amidst Urbanization

No group on earth feels the conflict between rural and urban populations more acutely than the modern rancher. But while this conflict is felt in the present, the rural/urban divide has existed since humans began communally baking bread thousands of years ago.

What can today’s modern farmer/rancher do to preserve their freedom to operate in a democracy dominated by urban perspectives?


The Man on the Box:

Why stories beat facts and what you can do to win story wars.

Humans listen to stories with an unconscious desire to learn.  We listen, wondering if we would make the same mistakes, or experience the same success. In our modern age it is easy to deceive ourselves into thinking that we make decisions based on facts, when the reality is that humans don’t react to facts, they react to stories.

How can agriculture compete when the facts don’t change hearts and minds?


My Grandfather’s Axe:

The art of passing down an organization during the Age of Acceleration

Ag organizations face a grave challenge: how do you adapt to stay fresh and vibrant without losing the core values that has made you valuable? How do you get new people without alienating the stalwarts?

In this thought provoking talk, Vance help the audience realize the seriousness of the problem, and then will teach the skills and tactics that will help institutions build a culture of succession planning across generations.



Not seeing A talk for your audience?

Vance writes new speeches to match his expertise with your audience.

Contact us today to discuss your audience and the communications, relationship and negotiations messages that Vance is uniquely good at delivering.