Michael Levin; Where does cognition come from

Dr Michael Levin is an amazing scientist that studies how electricity plays a role in all living things. He sits down with Vance Crowe to talk about the regeneration of limbs, the value of not defining things in binary terms, how he is preparing his children for a wild and unknown future and ends with an explanation of what he thinks is going to happen to the human species in the next few decades.
Links from the Interview —
Follow Michael on Twitter: @drmichaellevin
Michael’s Website: www.drmichaellevin.org
The Allen Discovery Center: www.allencenter.tufts.edu
Watch on YouTube —
The Vance Crowe Podcast —
Vance Crowe interviews people with an expertise that you would want to know about, but might not think to ask. He prompts his guests to think about their work in novel ways, discusses how it applies to regular people and has fun sharing stories and experiences.
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